Does Your Diet Have Your Pum Pum Hostage? Eating Habits For A Healthier Liberated Yoni

Does Your Diet Have Your Vee-Jay Hostage?

Eating Habits For A Healthier Liberated Yoni

Image by Lady Yoni

POSTED OCT 10, 2022 UPDATED SEP 03, 2023

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“What you eat is what you discharge, and what discharge, is what they eat!” ~Lady Yoni

I know!!!

Some way to start an article, but this statement is the realist of them all when it comes to feminine health. Just like the popular phrase. “You are what you eat!”

Well, you are what you eat, and your partner is too. With so much reproductive health ailments on the rise today. We wonder. Can our eating habits be the cause for most hormonal imbalances?

Are we housing a safe environment for bad bacteria to grow inside our vee-jay?

Can we reverse many vaginal disorders by simply changing our diets? The answer is Yaaaassss!!!

Disclaimer. I’m going to be mentioning the “V” word a lot throughout this article. So tighten your lace fronts.

Okay, so now that you’re over it. Let’s talk health and science.

We all know that eating a clean and healthy diet is most important for longevity, and disease prevention of top organs, like the heart and brain, but what about our “ladies parts”. Let’s face it. You hear a lot about healthy foods for other organs of the body, but when it comes to the vajayjay. You might have to search a little harder.

Well look no further! I’m about to give you the tea on healthy eating habits for a sexier, sassier, tastier pum pum. If you have been experiencing many feminine reproductive problems, for instance, dryness, bad odor, cysts, yeast infections, etc. This article will help you with rearranging your nutritional lifestyle into a better one. Trust me, I know!

I’ve experienced a plethora of these ailments. It wasn’t until I observed the way I was eating. That I realized that I was the cause. I asked myself. What type of v@gina am I creating?

A Voluptuous Vena or a Vicious Vicky???

I looked down and Vicious Vicky growled at me.

I said no more and the change began!!! So the real question for you is. Do you want a Voluptuous Vena or Vicious Vicky? I’ll take the Vena for $200 please.

Creating a healthy clean V environment isn’t always easy, but the effects it provides for your “love garden” is always revealing. Your diet is the grand key and if you want to have a blossoming Punani. You might want to reevaluate your regular eating habits.

Let’s search for some food sources that may be causing the “Vicious Vicky”.

Top 4 Bad Eating Habits for V@ginal Health

 1. Processing Your Vag: PROCESSED FOODS

When it comes to the health industry, processed foods are like the evil cousins that tastes and looks so good, but in reality is the worst thing you can do for your body. Especially, your vajayjay. I can’t even begin to list the many dangers of eating processed in extreme amounts. From decreased energy levels, to possibly developing cancerous cells. Eating “good” has never been more cautious.

While going to that fast food restaurant and getting a quick greasy, salty meal seems promising. Those ingredients can harbor the production for bacterial vaginosis and even lead to urinary tract infections. When it comes to indulging in those salt craving. Try deciding on foods that have alternative ingredients, like sea salt, natural fats, and even cooking your own meals from fresh foods.


2. Your V@gina shouldn’t Go Moo: DAIRY PRODUCTS


Organic yogurt has been notoriously known for cleaning out our canals from bad bacteria due to its levels of probiotics. Reversely, too much consumption of other dairy products can provide a harmful outcome.


Many dairy products contain high levels of artificial antibiotics, hormones, and mucus residue from cows that digesting these products has been causing major issues. With these ingredients, dairy derived foods can create bacterial overproduction in our “V” canal as well as cause hormonal imbalances. The best substitute for dairy foods are nut-based milks and cheese.


3.  It Isn’t that Sweet: SUGARY FOODS

Yes, we all love and adorn those sweet cake nights and mouthwatering desserts, but did you know eating foods that are high in sugar may increase the production of yeast infections. Not only that, but can also be reducing the effects of having a wetter and sweeter flow.

I know, the contradiction! Foods that contain artificial sugars, like, high fructose corn syrup, has been known to cause major metabolic setbacks. Modifying our sugar intake and choosing alternative healthier sweeteners, like honey or agave, can be more beneficial to our taste buds and health than ever before.


4. The Desert is Dry: ALCOHOL/CAFFIENE

If you are constantly having issues with “V” dryness. You may want to look at your alcohol/caffeine consumption levels. Sad, but true! Alcohol is a popular natural drying agent and when ingested it still has the same effects.

Frequently drinking alcohol can wreak havoc on your bodies by reducing how hydrated you are and so can caffeinated drinks. That means no hydration, no lubrication. If must indulge in a little sip try monitoring how much you drink and try herbal teas that does not contain caffeine.

Now that I have shocked your brain. Let’s talk about some foods that create the Voluptuous Vena.

Top 4 Good Eating Habits for Feminine Health

1. That Fruity Juicy: FRESH FRUITS

Fresh fruits are always the top pick when it comes to having that “sweet punani juice”, and a healthy flow. Even though processed/chemically altered fruits are from natural environments. Canned and frozen fruits will not give the yoni its luster like a good ole seeded apple from the tree.

Non-processed fresh fruit still contains all of their natural nutritional sugars and vitamins to give your “girl” a nice kick back during intimate moments. Try incorporating more fresh fruits into your daily diet for a sweeter smell and taste. Fruits that are great for V health are listed:



Just like eating fresh fruits are great for women. Eating fresh vegetables has the same nutritional effects, but also add some other values. For instance, being high in minerals like iron and fiber. These minerals create an increase in blood flow and decrease in bodily inflammation. Making our menstrual cycles smoother and healthier.

Some great vegetable for V health:

  • Spinach

  • Kale

  • Mustard greens

  • Okra

  • Sea vegetables (i.e. sea moss)

3. That Punani Drip: WATER INTAKE

Yes, of course water is top on the list for our pum pum health. Drinking an adequate amount of water daily can not only keep your “girl”  energized, but also moisturized throughout the day. Hydration is most important for providing assistance while your V self-cleanses, allowing for toxins, bad bacteria, and other waste to be removed properly from our eliminating systems.

Water is also good for balancing our feminine pH levels. Health scientist advocate drinking at least 6-8 cups (1.5-2 liters) of spring or alkaline water/day.


Incorporating good grains and nuts into your diet can also be beneficial for your health. While nuts help keep your estrogen levels balanced, good grains provide an extra touch for that muscular plumpness in the canal. These foods are rich in protein, fiber, and vitamin E giving all your “lady parts” the business for sensual potency. Some good grains and nuts to consider are:

  • Rye

  • Spelt

  • Walnuts

  • Almonds

  • Hemp seeds

Even though our yonis are naturally good at protecting and cleaning themselves. We still must be conscious of what we’re inviting into her. Personally, I do believe a vegan diet is great, but if you do decide to eat meat based products:

Attempt to eat lean and organic meat products. You don’t have to go cold turkey into a healthier lifestyle for a good outcome. Take small modifications. Pace yourself, but keep pushing.

While Vicious Vicky spends her time eating whatever is present. Voluptuous Vena takes her time in researching what's going to better her “V” environment. So now that I gave you the tea.

You choose!

Lady Yoni
I’m a Women’s Health Coach & Influnencer focused on bringing you natural self-care tips, womb wellness hacks, my favorite fashion styles, & more.

Love Wellness


Lady Yoni

Hey Girl Hey,

I'm Lady Yoni. I am the owner and creator of P.Y.E. Fit™ (Phat Yoni Energy fitness™). I am a Women’s Health Coach, Author, Speaker, and girl power Influencer, with a bachelor’s in Biology from Famu. I educate women on how to live healthier by detoxifying their bodies from past womb trauma, let go of toxic yoni habits, and step into their Phat Yoni Energy.


amazingly dope feminine health tips


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