5 Signs You Need To Heal Your Womb

5 Signs You Need To Heal Your Womb

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Always Listen To Your Womb!

Image by Lady Yoni

POSTED JAN 09, 2024

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The womb, often revered as the sacred center of feminine energy, embodies profound symbolism and vitality within a woman's being. Referred to as the yoni in ancient traditions, it's revered as the seat of creation, birthing not only physical life, but also creativity, intuition, and empowerment.

Exploring womb wellness and yoni self-care isn't merely a trend; it's a pathway toward reclaiming one's divine essence. Nurturing this space offers a multitude of benefits, from fostering emotional balance and enhancing fertility to unlocking a deeper connection with oneself and embracing the immense creative potential inherent in every woman.

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My journey toward understanding the significance of womb healing began with personal struggles that signaled a need for profound inner work. In 2015, grappling with the discomfort of an ovarian cyst, I realized that physical manifestations often mirror deeper emotional and spiritual imbalances.

This pivotal moment sparked an exploration into the interconnectedness of physical health and emotional well-being. Moreover, navigating through past toxic relationships and the haunting memory of sexual abuse underscored the deep-seated wounds that echoed within my womb space. These experiences illuminated the necessity for healing and nurturing this sacred part of myself, prompting a transformative journey toward womb wellness and self-care.

My journey through womb healing guided me to create 'The 28-Day Yoni Glow-Up Challenge.' After experiencing my first 28 day cycle, it’s profound impact inspired this curated digital womb wellness workbook, offering practices and wisdom from my own transformation. It's an empowering invitation for women to embark on a journey of holistic well-being and self-discovery.

Before my journey, I realized the importance of recognizing signs signaling the need for womb healing. Here are five pivotal signs that may indicate it's time to prioritize your womb wellness:


The womb, much like other parts of our body, has the capacity to retain tension. Experiencing pain or numbness in the vaginal area, or consistently tensing the pelvic floor muscles, similar to perpetually clenched shoulders, could signal underlying issues. This ongoing tension may not only cause physical discomfort or pain in the womb, but can be a sign of a disrupt of natural energy flow within the sacral region.

Persistent sucking in the stomach or womb tension disrupts the smooth flow of sacral energy. This imbalance might result in emotional stagnation, hindered creativity, troubles in expressing your sexual needs, or a disconnection from intuition—a bit like a blocked river stifling the natural vitality linked to emotions, creativity, and sensuality in the sacral area.

Tackling this tension in the womb and pelvic floor is vital not just for easing physical discomfort, but also for reinstating a smooth flow of sacral energy. Pelvic floor relaxation exercises; like yoni grips/kegels, targeted sacral yoga, yoni massage, and breathwork help release tension, restoring balanced energy and creating a sense of ease within the womb space.


Blocked sexual energy, often stemming from imbalances within the womb, can result in a profound disconnection from one's sexuality and sensuality. This disconnection may surface as a lack of desire, challenges experiencing pleasure, or a prevailing sense of numbness during intimate moments.

Such blockages can manifest from by past traumas, emotional stress, or an imbalance in the energetic flow within the body. Addressing these imbalances through womb healing practices can reignite a vibrant and fulfilling connection with one's sensual self, fostering a renewed sense of desire and pleasure in intimate experiences.



Feminine health issues, including irregular/painful menstrual cycles, reoccurring B.V. or yeast infection, PCOS, fertility challenges, and more, often serve as indicators of an underlying imbalance within the womb. These issues can be influenced by a myriad of factors, ranging from emotional stress and unresolved past traumas to environmental elements/bad eating habits that impact hormonal balance.

Exploring womb healing approaches can serve as a holistic avenue to address these imbalances, aiming not only to alleviate symptoms, but also to restore overall well-being and harmony within the feminine body.


Unaddressed past womb trauma, whether stemming from emotional scars or physical distress like miscarriages, abortions, challenging childbirth experiences, or instances of sexual and emotional abuse, has a profound impact on the womb. These traumas imprint themselves deeply, affecting not only the physical aspects, but also the emotional well-being of an individual.

The process of healing encompasses acknowledging and tenderly addressing these wounds, seeking to unravel and release their lingering effects on both the body and the psyche. By addressing these traumas, one can initiate a journey of holistic healing, fostering resilience and a renewed sense of emotional and physical wellness within the womb space.


Clutching onto toxic relationships can shake up the balance of the womb space, affecting both emotional and physical well-being. The lingering emotional residue forms a stifling web within, impeding the natural flow of energy. As someone wisely said, "You having an unnatural allegiance to losers is not like you." It's akin to carrying a heavy emotional weight that burdens the womb, hindering its ability to thrive and rejuvenate.

Releasing these toxic soul ties is a potent act of self-liberation, freeing oneself from emotional entanglements that confine the womb's vitality. This intentional release creates room for personal empowerment and healing, initiating a transformative journey that allows the womb to cleanse, renew, and reclaim its innate balance and vitality.

Recognizing these signs is the first step towards healing the womb and reclaiming your feminine power. There are various paths to womb healing, including energy work, holistic therapies, meditation, and seeking support from qualified professionals like therapists or energy healers specializing in women's health.


Nurturing practices such as journaling, meditation, gentle exercises like yoga, and connecting with nature can also aid in the healing process. Additionally, fostering healthy relationships and boundaries, along with self-care routines, play a pivotal role in restoring the balance within the womb space.

Remember, healing is a journey, and it's crucial to be patient and compassionate with yourself throughout the process. Embracing the journey of womb healing can lead to a profound transformation, enabling you to reconnect with your innate feminine power, creativity, and vitality.


Let’s take a moment to go over some frequently asked questions about womb healing.

What is womb healing?

Womb healing involves holistic practices aimed at nurturing and restoring balance to the womb space—physically, emotionally, and energetically. It's a journey of reconnecting with and nurturing this sacred part of a woman's body.

What practices can help with womb healing?

Various practices like yoga, meditation, energy work, like womb reiki and holistic therapies can aid in womb healing. Seeking guidance from professionals experienced in women's health can also be beneficial.

How does toxic relationships affect the womb?

Toxic relationships, past experiences, or emotional trauma can deeply impact the womb, affecting both physical and emotional well-being. Stress and unresolved emotions from 'Toxic Tony' traumatic experiences may manifest in physical discomfort within the womb, influencing its vitality and potentially disrupting the natural energetic balance, leading to emotional imbalances and affecting overall well-being.

How do I connect with my divine feminine energy?

To deepen your connection with divine feminine energy, embrace practices like meditation, honoring your menstrual cycle, engaging in yoni self-care rituals, listening to your womb, and exploring creative or sensual expression, all of which can evoke and nurture the essence of the divine feminine within.

What are some signs I need to heal my womb?

Some signs indicating a need for womb healing include physical discomfort in the pelvic area, feminine health issues, like irregular menstrual cycles, unaddressed past sensual/womb trauma, challenges with fertility, and/or a feeling of disconnection from your feminine energy.

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Lady Yoni


I’m a Women’s Health Coach & Influnencer focused on bringing you natural self-care tips, womb wellness hacks, my favorite fashion styles, & more.

Unveil your inner sensual goddess & prioritize womb wellness with our immersive 28-Day Yoni Glow-Up Challenge & digital workbook.

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Lady Yoni

Hey Girl Hey,

I'm Lady Yoni. I am the owner and creator of P.Y.E. Fit™ (Phat Yoni Energy fitness™). I am a Women’s Health Coach, Author, Speaker, and girl power Influencer, with a bachelor’s in Biology from Famu. I educate women on how to live healthier by detoxifying their bodies from past womb trauma, let go of toxic yoni habits, and step into their Phat Yoni Energy.



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